Live Out Front

Christmas is so easily relegated to a kids’ story that we often miss the powerful life lessons embedded in the narrative. Each of the characters in this divine drama of God becoming a man has something to show us about leadership. For the sake of this short inspiration, let’s look at Joseph and Mary and how their lives changed when Jesus entered the scene.

God would not have chosen these two people had they not prepared themselves. Joseph showed that he had more qualifications than just being a descendant of King David; he exhibited immense character when Mary told him her story. Instead of blowing a gasket, he paused a minute and decided to sleep on it. He loved Mary and didn’t want her to be embarrassed or hurt. He didn’t even consider how the situation would affect him. This revealed his maturity and self-control.

When Joseph didn’t overreact or make a rash decision, it gave God space to work in his life. This man’s righteousness was not legalism. His capacity to hear God and embrace something new made him a worthy caretaker of the Son of God.

Now let’s turn our attention to Mary. Bible scholars say she was probably about fourteen years old. This young woman who would give birth to the promised Messiah showed exceptional character too. She was raised by godly parents and trained in the ways of Torah. Mary had been prepared from infancy to be a proper Jewish wife and mother. The angel told her that she was “highly favored,” meaning she had the attention of God. All of Heaven had already witnessed the manner in which she lived her life. Mary was chosen for a reason.

As the enormity of the angel’s message began to unfold in her mind, she simply asked how it could happen. Gabriel declared, “The Holy Spirit is going to overshadow you.” Mary responded, “Be it unto me according to your word.” The essence of her simple response was, “No matter the consequences, I will do it. I will carry the baby. I will risk losing my marriage to Joseph. I will risk being misunderstood. I am committed to seeing this through.” She simply trusted God and chose the favor of God rather than the fear of men.

From that time forward, things were never the same for Mary and Joseph. Jesus changed everything. What a journey! They never looked back. With Jesus they were living their best life—they were living out front.

What about you? As you get ready for a new year, are you willing to let Jesus do something new in you? Are willing to walk in favor in spite of what people might say? Just as Joseph and Mary overcame their humble surroundings and became the parents of the long-awaited Messiah, so can you rise above a crazy mixed-up world and live your life with boldness and courage. You can live out front.


Christmas’ Four Most Powerful Words
