impacting the world with global partnerships
In 2004, Kimberly and I founded Triumph Ministries International Network (TMIN), a 501(c) (3) organization. TMIN represents our global arm of ministry. From the very beginning, God has given us partners who have stood with us as we traveled to six continents equipping leaders, empowering believers, and evangelizing the nations.
We’ve met the most amazing people as we’ve ministered in Bible schools, crusades, camps, retreats, conferences, churches, and orphanages. God’s people are the best!
The more we travel, the more we understand the value of creating resources that can be left behind to continue the development and growth of the leaders, organizations, and networks with whom we work in partnership. Creating specialized tools has become a passion of ours from the very first series we made for prodigals to our most recent books and series on evangelism.
We equip saints and leaders on effective prayer, soul winning, spiritual warfare, fivefold ministry, and spiritual gifts. We empower disciples through revelatory teaching and biblical training to help them achieve the breakthroughs they need to fulfill their God-ordained destiny.
Kimberly’s book, The Busy Woman’s Guide to Soul Winning, has inspired thousands to win souls with her practical steps of turning a stranger into a friend, inspiring testimonies, and confidence-building strategies.
Jason’s new book, Visitation: Unprecedented Grace for the Final Harvest, is a powerful tool to unite the global prayer movement with the global evangelism movement for a vision to reach the Alpha Cities of the world.
We have partnerships with missionaries, Bible schools, training centers, churches, orphanages, and other non-profits around the world. We are excited to see what God will do next. We could not do anything without the blessing of our financial / prayer partners. To those who partner with us, thank you!
To learn more about partnership, click here.
become a partner
Partnership was conceived by God to unite people - their abilities and their resources — to achieve one goal. When we join forces in partnership, we are able to accomplish amazing things for the Kingdom of God! Together, we can do something that will affect lives for eternity. Whether you contact us by phone, mail, email, or online, we are here to receive your prayer requests and hold you up in faith, expecting God to move in your life.