Hearing God Part 3

“How do I know it’s really God speaking to me?” is a valid and important question. In this devotion, I will provide some simple guidelines to help you distinguish His voice.

We have already established the fact that God divinely designed us to have dialogue with Him. Now let’s discuss the practical aspects of hearing the voice of God. Once you can establish what the voice of God sounds like to you, you will spend more time being obedient to the leading of His Spirit and less time hesitating because you are unsure if it is His voice you are hearing.

Here are two simple guidelines:

1. God’s voice or spoken word will never contradict His written Word. The more you study the written Word the better you will be at hearing the voice of God, because the written Word began as a rhema or spoken word of God.

2. God’s voice will never contradict His nature. The longer you spend in His presence, the more you will be acquainted with who He is. You expose the counterfeit by knowing the real.

Lee Stoneking taught us how to distinguish the voice of God among other voices by using an example of what you might hear in a hypothetical car crash. In a car crash, you would hear five voices in your thoughts. The first voice would be the voice of your flesh saying, “Get me out of here!” Next, you would hear your soul saying, “Is my family okay?” Then your spirit, which is most like God, would say, “How are the people in the other car?”

These thoughts would run through your mind very quickly. Satan would then say, “Why did God let this happen to you?” Finally, you would hear God say, “I am here, and I am going to help you. Don’t be afraid.”

Study God’s nature to better hear His voice. The longer you hear God and obey Him, the more mature you will be and the more fulfilled you will be in your relationship with Him. It’s worth the effort to keep fine-tuning your ear to hear.

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” (Revelation 2:7a)


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