3 Things God Needs From You. New Year, New Me - God's Plan or Yours? Pt2

God’s promises about the marvelous destiny He has in store for us are attached to three things He needs from us. Let’s look again at Jeremiah 29:11–13 in the Passion Translation.

Here’s what Yahweh says to you: “I know all about the marvelous destiny I have in store for you, a future planned out in detail. My intention is not to harm you but to surround you with peace and prosperity and to give you a beautiful future, glistening with hope. When you call on me and come to me in prayer, I will listen to your every word. If you reach out to me, you will find me when you search for me with all your heart. I will not disappoint you,” declares Yahweh.  

My heart is filled with comfort and joy as I read these verses. I can immerse myself in those words about Him surrounding me with peace and prosperity. It’s what my heart craves—His peace. If I’m not careful, I can think it’s all Him…but that’s not what the Scriptures say.

The next two verses open a beautiful window into the relationship factors He needs from us as He works out His destiny in us. He said, “When you call on me and come to me in prayer, I will listen to your every word.” He wants us to call on Him. Too often we’re calling friends and combing FB for our next directive or idea. He wants us to come to Him in prayer and converse with Him as heavenly Father, as son/daughter, and as friends. He wants to hear our words, and He promises to listen to every one of them. Imagine this opportunity: the Creator of the universe wants to hear your every word! It’s in these sacred moments that He pulls you close and puts His desires for you in your heart.

“If you reach out to me, you will find me when you search for me with all your heart. I will not disappoint you,” declares Yahweh.

The phrase that jumped out at me is “with all your heart.” That implies surrender—holding nothing back. No part of your heart can be off limits to Him. He not only wants it all, He deserves it all. And the best part of all is His promise: “I will not disappoint you, declares Yahweh.”

There’s not a person in the world who can make that promise to you and keep it. But He can!

As you’re creating new habits and patterns for your New Year, New Me, make a daily choice to go to Him in prayer, reach out, and search for Him with all your heart.

Then you can rest assured that His marvelous destiny will be working in you every day, taking you exactly where you need to be. I wonder where He will take all of us by the end of this year. Let’s find out!

Kimberly Sciscoe

Kimberly Sciscoe has always had an extraordinary love for people! Connecting them to Jesus is her life’s passion.

Kimberly was blessed to be born into a family with God as their center. As a young teenager, her passion for missions took her to Costa Rica and Panama. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Kimberly enjoyed teaching in both public and private sectors for ten years.

In her home church, Kimberly focused on outreach, discipling new converts, and teaching Bible studies at a state recovery center. As a single adult, Kimberly served as a missionary in Puerto Rico and Spain. On May 3, 1996, she married Jason Sciscoe, the love of her life, and has enjoyed being his earth partner ever since.

Jason and Kimberly have traveled the globe sharing Jesus with others. In 2004, they founded Triumph Ministries International Network. It gives Kimberly great joy to serve alongside her husband as co-pastor of The Church Triumphant in Houston, Texas. Kimberly’s hands and heart can be seen in leading Ladies Ministries, Outreach, and Discipleship efforts.

Combining her love for education, women, and children, Kimberly has worked with global partners in India, championing such causes as caring for orphans, educating women and girls, and empowering the underrepresented while spreading the love of Jesus.

Kimberly Sciscoe is the author of The Busy Woman’s Guide to Soul Winning: Connecting People to God Everywhere You Go. She is a motivational speaker and serves as a mentor to many. Her most treasured audience is her two children.


What’s In Your Bread?  Part 1


New Year New Me: God's Plan or Yours?