Are You a Voice or an Echo? DVD or CD

Moses was sent to speak for God. Because Moses stuttered, God sent Aaron to speak for Moses. Moses was the voice. Aaron was the echo. This was God’s plan for speaking His Word in Egypt and it worked well. Once Israel had completed their journey to the mountain of God, it was time for fresh revelation and a new plan. Moses left the people with Aaron. This time, Aaron began to stutter because he didn’t know what to say. He was only an echo.

“Voices bring us direction from God. Echoes find direction from the views of people. Voices point to the future. Echoes hopelessly point to the past. In this monumental message, you will be empowered to break free from the echoes of tradition and march out of your wilderness. If you are ready for a fresh Word for this generation, you will not be disappointed. Don’t live your life as an echo. Let this message help you find your voice!”

Price: $7.00