"Fear looks. Faith jumps."
– Smith Wigglesworth

The Best Mother’s Day “Ahhh”

POSTED: May 13th, 2010 BY: Kimberly

Most often the best gifts cost love and not money. The things that make us go “Ahhh” come from the heart and not the store.

I had such one of these “Ahh” moments this Mother’s Day week.

I was tucking Julianna in bed. Our stories had been read and our prayers had been said. We were finishing our last of the last hugs when she gave me a tight squeeze and with all the drama she possesses said, “Ahhh, I remember the first time we met. I will never forget that day mom.”

I burst out laughing and then realized she was serious when she replied, “What’s so funny?” I held her tight and described the first time I saw and held her. It was an “Ahh moment” I will treasure forever.

Today is a new day for you. Who in your life needs an “Ahh moment” from you? It doesn’t cost much but its value is priceless.

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