“I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth.”  Romans 9:17 NLT

VISITATION: Unprecedented Grace for the Final Harvest

“The final hour of harvest is here—the last visitation of God to the earth to save souls. This book will revolutionize your thinking about what is possible for you, God’s end-time church. It will take you beyond just feeling the urgency of what you should do and move you into the faith realm of what you can do through God’s grace. Your neighborhood is waiting. Your family is waiting. God has chosen you.”

Will you accept your assignment? It’s time for you to light up your world!

Prayer Nation every Wednesday @ Noon

Jason Sciscoe hosts Prayer Nation, a weekly prayer broadcast where advanced intercessors from the global church come together to pray the will of God over the nations.

Emotional Health & Spiritual Breakthroughs




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Jason & Kimberly Sciscoe

lead pastors of the church triumphant